Love is Catastrophic Shakedowns



By Nadia Irshād

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Counter to popular opinion 


he can burn what he wants to see 

A little more, feel bothered by it…

Leave me be for long periods

But hey look, some wide cozy blanket room, 

when I want in 

Accept it, I escapade standing still

lost in film, or digging through letter trappings 

Trap trap chomp

Masquerade riveted by my moment

mesmerized by eye shapes and migrant passes

Lots of laughter. Big lots. 

The philosophical assholey kind 

Imagine Professors in dusty old smells clowning

with argumentative neo-deductive over the top 

word exchanges

Rambling runs full of the season, then sapped. 

Some irked index finger-thumb pinch 

Bite-y word play

Here, silly for that bruise bandaid

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