By Nadia Irshād

New Paragraph

He doesn’t change the condition of a people until they change themselves 

I dragged the trash bin out
Mowed the lawn and held my gaze from the lady watching me through the window

I live in relation to my nazi teacher
This fascist neighbour 

The unnameable occupier 


The lady pops her head out

a different window, yelling from the sill

ever since she moved into the neighbourhood

my presence has enabled her diabolical dream

She watched the televised burial of my family 

That was the only time she smiled at me


I exist in relation to my nazi neighbour
This fascist teacher
The Minister of Education 

She says someone who looks just like me
Threw a rock in her eye

In a dream while her daddy held a gun to my dead son's head

the son he drove his tank over 

She’s afraid

Keep away, keep away, move out she says at the glazing

Her hands shake with hunger
She hasn't said it out loud but we both know

She aches for a taste of the blood of my veins 

To own everything

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