By Nadia Irshād

New Paragraph

I haven't read the obituary yet.

My source says they will never finalize burial plans.

This is a top secret announcement that isn't.


The schizoid is dead.

His minions don't want you to know. 

They have been circling his corpse in some fruitcake-fed ritual,

chanting it's all ours, the planet, morality. 

Crazy has a definition and it's this photograph.

Dippy's limbs were lopped off by a silent prayer in a woman's heart in the dark

in the Levant.

Never mind any of that, his minions say,

so determined, say look here we are creating a better world in a laboratory.

There is no form of insane asylum trap deeper than that.

I wish I knew the exact time of death 

so we could call it a stat holiday like they do,

calling it a day like these bats.

The cover, the veil of our racist scientific overlord

the Darwinian empire.

The original eugenicist




I'm telling you this is not a test.

The colonial enterprise set out hundreds of years ago,

we thought retreated but they just went back to regroup and rest.

They have come armed to take us.

And we were immune, family.
Family! We were immune.

I did a dance.
We can get up and move!

The Neanderthal's descendants can continue 

to do-their-do

They don't know what else to do but
Profit on blood.

Blank eyed.

No lie. Blank eyed. going on about abuse and gang violence.

Blank faced. 

I was looking right through him and he had no idea. 

He kept talking and talking.

You know the kind. 

The msnbc fox news cnn mindmeld so basic man-kind.

I swear he looked maniacal and his words were scripts offered

for free if you'd watch a few minutes of advertising. 

He memorized them to prove he was smart to me.

No lie I thought what a cube. An AI interface.
A television with legs. I could still see the sales tag.

My source laughed and said

too much fast food, too much cola, modern uneducation 

and clearly he’s downloaded too much news channel Garbola.

Marketing worthy.

Western supremacy died last week.
Died in minds.
In masses of minds, mind you.

Alongside their morality police.

The Darwinian orders guard.

Western Feminism died too. 

Where have these freedom fighters been?

They've been hiding under rocks for weeks.

Watching Barbie for life tips, my credible source believes. 

How many weeks til Garbola dies? 

Darwins army will be defeated. 

Arrogance has one pathway,

there is no doubt about that.

Laboratory mice aren't human,

they will be retreating.

Read one history book written by someone that isn't one of the eugenicists agents.

Fear the One.

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