By Nadia Irshād
New Paragraph
They'd have you believe there is no escape.
Listen to me whisper sister,
the opening is in silence.
Call your daughters in.
Ummi is going to share secrets with us tonight.
This white phosphorus they've been shoving down your throat,
it's feminism sister, their occult Barbie world theology sister.
Have five children,
have six if you can.
They will kill off a few with an explosion, a gun,
or douse them in drugs,
or their favourite weapon, addiction.
They colonized our lands,
drew arbitrary lines,
gambled bits away at a blackjack party.
They drove us into the desert, drowned us at sea,
blindfolded us, and with shackles threw us off the tops of mountains.
We, their children, dizzy, mourn the sound.
We put our ears to the ground and weep.
They ask our children now,
where are you really from?
They know well, how to take and take and take.
Passive aggressive spellbinders,
they tie knots while they say nicely, politely
fork and knifely,
what they press royalty and civilization would have you do,
with a curtsey,
sneer oopsie, you will never have a home.
They will drill into you words like if you give an inch they’ll take a mile.
It's a projection. Your freedom is an abomination.
It’s how they think.
Have ten children sister,
have eight.
They can keep their negative birth rate.
Harvest fruit and chant our hymns with joy sister,
for the next world my sister.
Apartheid will come to an end.
لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا ٱلله
Evict them.
This false idol has enjoyed the psychological penthouse you've given him for way too long.
The one who gave us breath hears us.
The veil is thin,
let's repeat it,
in melody,
we sing our Hymns.
The scent of musk is profound.