By Nadia Irshād

New Paragraph

the first time I ever stood on my two feet

upon sunshine and moonlight

I set my bare feet above the cold wet green grass

and beneath the chilly haystack was soft brown earth

silky like ash

I closed my eyes and held my fingers up to the sky

so I could see the roots that connected me 

with a lunge outstretched 

inward to the center of this sphere we all dash in a hurry upon

drive cars on tar coats upon

I fed on fresh water filtered sucked and siphoned up 

like a bucket on a pulley above the most beautiful water well

connecting to my veins 

pumping through a mound of dirt to my heart 

my heart cried joy at my witnessing, pouring happy tears

and nourished everything within me

as my fingers swayed in the wind

they felt what it is to swim 

and my lungs took in a far reaching gulp of breath

my fingers let go 

Hayy Hayy Hayy

the secret touched me 

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