By Nadia Irshād
New Paragraph
I’m speaking from the outside.
Read this over in a safe contemplative space.
Only if,
you trust me.
Darkness delights on my soul too.
It swoops in like a wasp.
It comes for the nectar.
Hornets arrive in increasingly difficult to decipher forms.
To perceive these creatures you will need to see beyond the mask.
Don't succumb to the gimmick or you will lose all access to beauty.
These uninvited guests are puzzles.
Equations to untangle in order to ascend.
Get out of thinking and thought.
Put a song on.
A Chopin waltz.
As I put on a song, a waltz in fact,
an apparition appeared,
illuminated like old parchment.
Though her lips did not move,
she was audible.
She said, read this over in a safe contemplative space.
It’s an auspicious day.
It’s solstice, it's equinox, a days quarter.
These hours are etched into our DNA since our earliest past.
Your bones know this day.
Your heart knows this day.
Let us make a pact.
I see truths. I seek like you.
We are seekers on the same path.
I adorn my spirit and bow my head to the Ever Present. Goodness.
Suffering offers an opening.
A deep seeing if you can muster the courage to grab it.
Indifference might label it Giftedness.
Apathetic labels for those who can’t see.
People who envy.
Who want without the deep work.
Who refuse to accept anyone can have it.
The crafting and honing of the soul.
If you are still reading let us agree we have made a pact.
You've pondered the way.
You asked why I invited you today.
My home is a garden. A temple.
You will feel its spirit when you enter.
Select people are invited,
of those select people enter.
My home is a shelter and a healing place
and only those who enter know.
It’s a deep vulnerable knowing sanctuary.
It lives in solitude and it has a spirit.
It breathes.
It’s protective.
Like a prayer. Evil cannot enter.
How do I know?
Certain individuals can but stand at the edge of my homes doors
and they tremble as though their soul might collapse.
You won’t find anything of value anywhere but through the hollowing of yourself.
False prophets, seers and soothsayers say manifest.
Trust me and like the alchemist you will find your soul’s treasure.
Today is an opening.
It’s an equinox since earth happened upon us.
Mythology holds the profound secret you seek.
You are a hero on his path.
Doing this with you is how I find me.
We are arm in arm,
painting Guernica by Picasso together.
Continue to read this in your spirit,
in your heart, not your head.
It’s not a puzzle.
I will from time to time pass you things to read.
Read them first as a child with no intention of understanding them.
And slowly then you will come to approach them as sacred artifacts suspended in time.
And you will read it again.
And again.
As you come closer to it you will find it brings you to tears to touch it.
That’s when you know you've met the edge of the veil of God.
Then I will share another text.
This is how you will become a master.
I see you and we are not of this place.
We will cultivate gardens.
You will cultivate good.
I will teach you if you agree to trust me.
It will be easier than you think.
I promise.
It’s an auspicious day.
It’s solstice, it's equinox.
It’s a day etched in our DNA since our earliest past.
Your bones know this day.
Your heart knows this day.
The day split in quarters.